Apex Legends are treated every single month to new goodies to unlock through a certain subscription service. So long as players are active subscribers, they are granted new and exclusive items, like the most recent one to date: the Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle.
The Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle is just the latest offering that players can pick up as part of the Prime Gaming subscription service platform. Active subscribers can now jump into the game and get the classiest look yet for the unmatched thief legend.
What is great this time around is that Respawn and Amazon Prime are not focusing on only a single new skin for a legend that players are able to get as part of the subscription. Instead, players are getting an entire bundle of items that include, of course, a new skin for one of the legends.
That legend is none other than Loba as can be stated in the name of the bundle itself. As the name also states, this is a Rose Gold bundle, meaning that players will be able to find some delightfully charming and stylish items that are part of this most recent cosmetics collection.
The Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle is certainly a welcome one and the very best part of it all is that it is completely free to claim for certain users out there in the community. Here’s everything that you need to know about what’s in the new Prime Gaming bundle and how you can get it yourself.
Loba is no stranger to impressive cosmetics bundles as she has had plenty of her own in the past, so it is actually somewhat surprising that she is getting another so soon in the midst of the current season 11. That said, Loba fans out there and collectors alike are not starved for some good cosmetics.
In terms of the base outfit design for Loba, this is easily the best one that we have seen for her when it comes to the Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle. The star of this set is, of course, the brand new Loba Rose Gold skin that you are able to acquire and start using in battle royale matches.
What is key about this skin is that it does not necessarily do anything new with Loba as it focuses on mainly the original outfit that the thief wears in her default skin version. The difference, though, is the color swap that has Rose Gold invade the entire outfit from head to toe.
Rose Gold is a popular color that is quite loved when it comes to accessories, phones, and jewelry, hence why Loba herself is probably a fan of the color. While it is called “Rose Gold”, there is not too much gold actually in it, making it more like a very defined pink that has some elements of gold, but mainly a sparkly silver thrown into it in my opinion.
Rose Gold is a very classy color and one that works well for the equally classy and fashionable Loba. The Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold skin uses the classic sparkly pink color and also some elements of silver to create what is a fantastic but simple enough skin design for the character.
The outfit is mainly the rose gold color but you can see silver throughout the arms and legs, specifically, to shake things up and make sure that it is not too much. There are also nice accents to match her outfit that are seen in Loba’s hair and makeup that she is wearing to bring it all together.
Of course, the skin is not the only part of this new Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle that players can get. There are two other items involved with it and they are a new weapon skin and banner frame. There is the Glam Defender skin for the R-99 that is certainly a strong accessory.
This skin tricks out the R-99 SMG with a bejeweled rose gold color scheme that is certainly something to look at. While the Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold skin is tasteful and fresh, this particular weapon skin may not appeal to everyone due to the in-your-face sort of style that it has going for it.
Some players may find that it is a little bit, dare I say it, tacky in some cases but could also be great for those who like this sort of iPhone case and the like. Last but not least, there is an equally in-your-face item with the Breaking Through banner frame.
Just like the weapon skin, this banner frame shows the Loba in the middle with the same rose gold jewels all around her. It is quite bold, to say the least, and may appeal to some players out there who do not mind being the center of attention, literally, in battle royale matches.
That said, the very best part about the Apex Legends Loba Rose Gold bundle is that all of these items are free and you will not have to spend any in-game currency or the like to get them. Instead, though, you will have to be an active subscriber to Amazon Prime in order to get the bundle.
If you are interested in unlocking these items, be sure to head to the Prime Gaming page right here. If you are not an active Amazon Prime subscriber, there are a few different options that you have, as always, for going about getting this great deal regardless.
There is the option of asking your friends and family members who share their account with you for permission to redeem this, if none of them were going to do so. Alternatively, you could sign up for a free trial for a short period of time, but long enough to redeem this cosmetics bundle.
And, last but not least, if you are a college student with a college email address, you can sign up for the excellent and lengthy Amazon Prime college free trial. Regardless of what method you use to do so, the Loba Rose Gold bundle will only stick around in the game for about a month or so until the next free items arrive.
Gaming Center
A gaming center is a dedicated space where people come together to play video games, whether on PCs, consoles, or arcade machines. These centers can offer a range of services, from casual gaming sessions to competitive tournaments.